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nk taw knape ? tanx 2 akq aiman sbb lyan aq arinie . huhuhhhuhu . http://www.emocutez.com . aq ingt nmbr yg ella bg 2 bkn nmbr aiman . sume org trtnnye2 btol ke x nie nmbr aiman . and arinie , sume da trjwab ! aq mcg nmbr 2 . then , die rply : 'aiman xde . nie akq die . nk pe ?' ble aq dpt mcg 2 . wouhoo ! gmbirenye ! snyum smpai kpale . hihi . pas2 kitorng mcg2 lg . smpai skrng . then aq ckp : 'oke la kak . nti mcg lg k ! tanx ffoe the info' . npe aq ckp info ? sbb aq byk tnye psal aiman . hihi . owk larh ! till here ! http://www.emocutez.com

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