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ape slah aq ? ape aq da buat smpai kaw lngsng x rply mcg aq ? ta paham btol ! aq taw la kaw 2 mmg the best d' mata sume org . tp pd aq kaw cam bangang jerk ! ble aq taw cite sbnrnye pasal kaw yg kaki pembohong . aq da lngsng x heran kan kaw ! paham ! jgn ingt sume org ske kan kaw . salah la ! kaw slalu mcm bagos . then , org ckp kaw mmg bgos pon . ye la bgos bab lain . tp ble bab adab nie . otak kaw la yg paling bahalol an ? btol x ? x reti care nk hormat org lain . weyh mak bpak kaw x ajar ke sengal ! meh ! aq ajarkn kalo kaw nk aq ajar . hishhh ! mmg sial la spe yg puji kaw 2 bgos sesangat uh ! bile aq tau yg prangai kaw sbnrnye xde la bgos mcm org lain ckpkn . lg trok dr babun yg x prnh pegi skola 2 ! baru umo bape da nk belagak mcm kaw da lme idop dr aq . sori la . kalo org lain bg aq sebillion ntok respect kaw . sori to say la . haram aq x pandang ! sbb kaw mmg x ptot d'respect ! paham ! kan aq da ckp an kaw . kalo sombunk . sume org x ske . and skrng aq pon da mmg lngsng x ske ngn kaw . mlas nk ltak cutie for today . sbb arinie mood aq da x baik . sbb bdk sngal nie , pagi2 bute lagi da nk skit an ati aq . oke . till here !

Posted at 7:35 AM | 0 comments

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